Sound installation Dráha (Path) is triggered by minimal but
crucial human interaction that completes symbolic path circle. The
piece is composition of four metal tubes of different lengths hanging
in space. Its configuration is a reference to a figure eight – a
symbol but in this case strongly abstracted, dimensionally decomposed
and minimized. The role of “connectors” and dynamic
element plays the balls activated by viewer. Interacting sound and
light effects caused by the passage of path and their subsequent
effect on the perception of the viewer purposes seemingly fragmented
Sound installation explores natural sound resonances of
vibrating steel tubes and chaotic rhythm structures caused by the
passage of metal balls through the metal pipes path. The development
of the sound concept went through strong reduction
from advanced sound processing through simple amplification to
the final pure acoustic sound representation that is left here just as
it is. The light element of the installation is made by obsolete wolfram
bulbs whose light quality and dynamic response fills almost
empty gallery space with wanted mood. Light intensity of each bulb
is controlled by the amplitude of dedicated resonating tube. Even
such a simple principle creates chaotic sound/light rhythm and
spectral structures that are still playful and hopefully also calling for
deeper listening and decoding.