18/01/2025 - 19/02/2025 | Perplex
kinetic sound installation
12/11/2022 | SONDA Festival
AV Performance + festival organizing
15/10/2022 | Energie nulového bodu
sound performance
09/10/2022 - 11/09/2022 | Atomtoon
AV set
15/09/2022 | Y
AV performance
RE-connect art, Prague Bieannale, Náplavka, Prague,
event 17/08/2022 - 10/09/2022 | Soil choir v.2.3.
soil sonification installation
Zahradní slavnost, exhibition, Dům umění Ustí nad Labem,
exhibition 15/07/2022 | Roviny
laser sound AV composition for the Cave space
Važecká jeskyně, Važec, SK,
fb link 01/07/2022 - 02/07/2022 | OR-bits
interactive sound installation
08/06/2022 - 28/08/2022 | SONDA Y
meteo sound/light object in public space
Brno Art Open 2022, organized by House of Arts, Brno,
BAO 12/12/2021 | Y+
AV concert before Kees Tazelaar
01/12/2021 | Sonification
speech about the sonification in art
29/11/2021 | Y
new AV set
Divadlo na Orlí
23/11/2021 | SESUVY
sound installation of micro sonic landslides
created for Czech Academy of Sciences
Muzeum města Ústí nad Labem,
venue 05/11/2021 - 23/01/2022 | OR-bits
interactive sonic object
02/11/2021 - 05/12/2021 | ARCHIPARTITURA
sonification of Villa Tugendhat in VR
project with Martin Dlabaja (VR)
24/10/2021 | SONIX #13
ogranization of acousmatic concert
+ Time.break composition presentation
22/10/2021 - 24/10/2021 | PERPLEX
sound installation
rotating acoustic mirrors
20/10/2021 | Time.break
concert of electroacoustic music
with JAMU students
16/10/2021 | Datazvuk – sonifikace v Max/msp
workshop about data sonification
SVITAVA - transmedia art lab,
event 09/10/2021 | Ph.D. defended
thesis "Sonification in Music Composition and Sound Art" defended!
18/09/2021 | Soil choir + OR-bits
re-presentation of two sound installations
Festival Hlukovae mystéria, Ostrava,
report 23/07/2021 - 24/07/2021 | PULS 33
installation of light algorithmic installation
POP MESSE festival
30/06/2021 | Komentovaná prohlídka Tady a teď
talk about Soil choir installation
20/04/2021 - 04/05/2021 | DATA ORCHESTRA workshop
sonification workshop
16/02/2021 - 11/07/2021 | Soil Choir v.2.3.
soil sonification installation,
exhibition "Tady a teď"
08/09/2020 | LANDSLIDES
micro landslides sound installation study,
exhibition of geologic landslides activities,
teamwork with Czech Academy of Sciences
VIPER, Prague
01/08/2020 | Turbulence Pro Zvěř
audio performance with wind sound installation
live stream - Radio Vltava
Koncert pro zvěř, Beskydy, louka
17/06/2020 | Atom tone + talk
concert + talk (sonification and sound art)
Zvukové odrazy #12, Ústí nad Labem House of Arts ,
09/01/2020 | SONIX PLUS #8
organising of international electroacoustic concert
31/12/2019 - 01/02/2020 | SSG atomtone
(interactive) screen saver version of my atomic sonification
14/12/2019 - 15/12/2019 | Experimentálne hudebné nástroje
two days worskhop, creating of experimentla acoustic / electrict instruments, piezo, DC motors
09/12/2019 | Elementy
live electroacoustic set with generative visuals
07/11/2019 | Sonix #7
organising of concert of international acousmatic music
Divadlo na Orlí, Brno
25/10/2019 - 27/10/2019 | OR-bits
interactive sound object + demonstration
Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival
18/10/2019 - 19/10/2019 | Soil choir v.0.2.
(poly)interactive sound installation
Prototyp festival, BVV, Brno,
26/08/2019 - 31/08/2019 | Soil choir v.0.1.
sound installation,
result of K.A.I.R. residency
Kulturpark Kasárne + Šopa gallery, Košice, SK
07/06/2019 - 09/06/2019 | Trees territory
24-channel sound installation in trees for the Heart of Noise festival
07/06/2019 - 09/06/2019 | Puls 33
algorithmic AV installation
Heart of Noise festival, Haus Der Musik, Innsbruck, AT
festival web 06/06/2019 | OR-bits
vernissage of new object created during MagicCarpets residency
Wiltener Platz, Innsbruck,AT,
28/05/2019 - 29/05/2019 | Sonic city map
field recording workshop
21/05/2019 - 13/10/2019 | Zvuky, kódy, obrazy
4 installations for the exhibition
17/05/2019 - 17/06/2019 | Magic Carpet residency
creative residency - making new installation for public space
06/04/2019 | Future Nature
AV performance at exhibition Cyberbody and its path
gallery Kovčeg (Archa), Moscow
26/03/2019 | Vasulka Kitchen Brno – talk
presentation of my recent works
20/03/2019 | Zvony
technology for installation of Dana Raková
Ostravské muzeum, Ostrava
28/02/2019 | Mikrozvuk# 4
06/12/2018 | Connector
concert with my DIY instruments
Connector event, STEIM, Amsterdam, NL
02/12/2018 - 17/12/2018 | STEIM residency
STEIM residency - atom tone + lux
STEIM, Amsterdam, NL,
steim 17/11/2018 | Atomtón
Petrohradská kolektiv, Praha,
agosto 13/11/2018 | Meteorit
concert with experimental DIY instruments
before Justin Bennett
Setkávání nové hudby Plus, JAMU, Brno
26/10/2018 | Perplex live
concert with acoustic mirrors
Lambda - viditelné, neviditelné, Matiční dům, Opava,
artalk 23/10/2018 | Sonix #4: Leigh Landy
organization of the concert
Sonix, Divadlo na Orlí, Brno,
fb pg 05/10/2018 | Sushi
concert with my older club electronic music
FAVU 25, Favu, Brno
26/09/2018 | No speaker electronics!
ZHLUK, T4 - tram space, Bratislava
26/09/2018 - 26/10/2018 | Perplex
installation - 3 robotic acoustic mirrors
Exhibition: λ ~ viditelné, neviditelné, Matiční dům, Opava,
bludny kamen 25/09/2018 | No speaker electronics!
11/08/2018 | Atom impro
sonic improvisation with my sonification tools
festival Bučení, Lubná, Vysočina
05/08/2018 - 09/08/2018 | workshop – vodní mlýnky
children workshop without electricity, building sound instruments and water mills
lesní školka Studánka, Trubská (Beroun)
01/08/2018 - 29/09/2018 | Videopartitura #1: most na Olší
video with sound generated by image analysis
/group exhibition/
TIC, Galerie U dobrého pastýře,
19/07/2018 | Reflexna3 live
concert with my robotic installation
TIC, Galerie U dobrého pastýře
08/06/2018 | Klingt gut! Atomtone concert
concert at KLG symposium
29/05/2018 - 14/07/2018 | Perplex
new exhibition with my new sound/light objects
16/05/2018 | workshop – experimentální nástroje
children workshop - creating kalimbas etc.
11/05/2018 | Atomtone
04/05/2018 | Atomtone concert
concert and presentation of Dan Senn's documentary about myself
03/05/2018 | Sonix#3
organization of international acousmatic concert evening
(composers from Institute of Sonology + JAMU)
26/04/2018 | Atomtone concert
concert Plnka - with Lea Bertucci
Jiří Suchánek
Fuga, Bratislava, SK
24/03/2018 | Sonix #2
organization of international acousmatic concert evening (composers from Institute of Sonology + JAMU)
28/02/2018 | Přesuny
new audio composition
17/02/2018 | ROJ 2.1
upgrading the light installation Roj
Planetarium and Observatory of the city Brno
07/01/2018 | SONIX
organizing of the concert of acousmatic music
connection between Institute of Sonology, Haag and JAMU, Brno
08/12/2017 | Atom Tone
live electroacoustic concert
PAF, Olomouc
05/12/2017 | Lux at Aether
live electronics, concert, Elektroakusticky!
JAMU, komorní sál
10/11/2017 - 12/11/2017 | Pulse 33
AV installation
festival Prototyp, Nová tržnice, Brno,
30/10/2017 | Atom Tone
live electroacoustic concert (before Marek Choloniewski)
28/10/2017 - 29/10/2017 | Experimental musical instruments
children workshop
Stanica, Žilina, SK
25/10/2017 | Pulse 33
AV installation
JIC conference, Creative Industry and Creative Economy, Hotel International, Brno
23/09/2017 | Atomtone at Silent Night
sleeping concert Silent Night
Divadlo Ponec, Silent Night: Stephan Mathieu, Ipek Gorgun, me, Prague, Cz,
17/09/2017 - 21/09/2017 | Sound interaction workshop
workshop for theater performers - implementation sound interaction elements to theater piece
Valdštejnská lodžie, Jičín
16/09/2017 | interview SilentNight Radio Wave
2 hour in eter
radio Wavw
01/09/2017 | PechaKucha Budapest
PKN presentation
11/08/2017 | PechaKuchaNight Žilina
PKN presentation
Stanica, Žilina, SK
15/06/2017 | Turbulence in dunes
sound installation in dunes
Meyendel, 2243 Wassenaar, Netherlands Latitude: 52.136722 | Longitude: 4.321083 52°08'12.2"N 4°19'15.9'E
28/04/2017 - 29/04/2017 | No turbulence in slow wind
sound wind installation as part of group exhibition "Installation in progress. Please wait." made by students of Sonology
Haagse Kunstkring, Haag
04/04/2017 - 06/04/2017 | Piezo workshop – Sounds of mass
workshop about working with contact mics and processing the sound in max/msp - introduction to visual programming
VŠVU, Intermedia department, Bratislava
25/03/2017 - 27/03/2017 | Red line border
laser cymatic installation
DeLight exhibition, Berlin
23/03/2017 | Atomtone
atomic sonification concert
Spektrum, Berlin, DE
22/03/2017 | Vanad+Carbon (composition)
acousmatic composition for Discussion Concerts series
Institute of Sonology, Arnold Schönbergzaal, The Hague, NL
09/11/2016 - 30/11/2016 | Dráha ( Path )
exhibition of the object that we created with Tomáš Sedláček
object + audio : me
light system : Tomáš
19/10/2016 | ROJ ver 2.1 (live)
start 20:00
concert inside my permanent light installation
audio-visual synaesthetic performance
04/10/2016 | Pulse
algorithmic installation/composition
Setkávání Nové hudby Plus 2016 ( support program to Kees Tazelaar concert presentation),
fb link 24/09/2016 | Atom tone
live electronic music, sonification of spectroscopic data, analog modular processing
SOUND CITY DAYS, Kulturpark K13, Kosice, Sk
06/07/2016 | Atom Tone
concert for the sonification conference ICAD 2016
Concert Hall of the School of Music, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia,
conference 19/06/2016 | DIY experimentla instruments – final children concert
the end of 6 week workshop for children
final concert with built instruments and graphic scores
12/05/2016 | ATOM TONE – concert!
acousmatic concert with 12 speakers, video and light. Sonification of atomic data.
Divadlo na Orlí, Brno,
DNO 07/05/2016 | Komorní atomová café seance
concert with my atomic sonification system + live electronics
ECHOFLUXX festival, Paralelní Polis, Prague,
festival 05/05/2016 | TRIAL VII.
presentation of audio works of my students from Faculty of Fine Arts
Praha/Fórum pro architekturu a média,
FB link 27/04/2016 | PechaKucha Night Bratislava Vol.33
talk for PechaKucha Night Bratislava Vol.33
20/04/2016 - 21/04/2016 | Lecture+Concert+Workshop
FUD ÚJEP Ústí nad Labem
katedra elektronického obrazu
ateliér Interaktivní média
+ koncert na Armaturce,
ateliér 13/03/2016 | DIY instruments – PANEL
meeting and discussion with people doing DIY instruments
presentation of my instruments/projects
ITCH MY HAHAHA festival, Praha v Brně,
FB event 12/02/2016 - 14/02/2016 | Experimental musical instruments
longterm workshop for children
building acoustic and electronic sound machines
17/01/2016 | Art’s Birthday – Time.break live
audio performance on theme of Time.break composition
Veletrzni Palace, National Gallery, Prague,
web link 08/01/2016 | Concert
live electronic set made from some of my old tracks processed with modular analog filters
02/12/2015 | Public mistakes
workshop, 14-16hod
Musica Nova, international conference, Brno
26/11/2015 | Atom tone
concert/musical performance based on spectral lines of atom and Mendeleev periodic table
12/11/2015 - 17/01/2016 | PULS 33
PULS 33 - light and sound algorithmic installation
11/11/2015 | Train horizons
multichannel sound installation
Mistodržitelský palác, Mor.galerie, Brno
doprovodný program k výstavě "Zastihla je noc",
exhibition 02/11/2015 | Atom synthesis
lecture about my new new sound project based on data of atoms
09/10/2015 | EA live set + lecture
improvised electroacoustic concert + lecture about my works
Cultural Centre Dom, Moscow,
event 08/10/2015 - 14/11/2015 | Red line border
laser active sound installation
National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow,
exhibition 26/09/2015 | Live impro set
concert, electronics, acoustic, sampling, processing
Pražírna, Kyjov
10/09/2015 | Monolith
permanent interactive sound/light installation
01/09/2015 | New web started
test start of this new web